Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  JSON unmarshal in GoLang

In almost all mainstream programming languages, there is either built-in or third-party library to support parse JSON data because it is so popular for organizing and transferring data among different services. In GoLang, the built in json package also provides functions for marshalling and unmarshalling JSON data. Marshalling GoLang struct to a JSON string is relatively simple, just need to call json.Marshal(), it's a bit complicated to unmarshal an arbitrary JSON string into a GoLang struct ob...


  Understanding GoLang interface

If goroutine and channel are considered as the foundation for GoLang concurrency, interface would be the key for data types in GoLang. In practical Go programming, almost all data types are built/used around interfaces, interface is the core of GoLang data structures. Go is not a typical OOP language, it has no class and inheritance concept syntactically. But it doesn't mean that there cannot be polymorphism in GoLang. Because of interface, it achieves the same polymorphism effect as in C++, tho...

   INTERFACE,GOLANG     2021-05-15 04:16:42

  HTML5 photo taking and uploading app implementation

Underthe support of HTML5 standard, Building Web App to take photos is now possible.I will elaborate on how to take photos using Web App, display them on the pageand upload them to the server. 1.     Videostream HTML5 TheMedia Capture API provides the programmable  access to video camera on phones, users canuse the getUserMedia() method to get the video stream provided by video camera.What we need to do is to add a HTML <video> tag and make the videostrea...

   HTML5,Photo taking,Media Capture API ,Implementation     2012-03-15 07:19:49

  Remote form submission

Remote form submission is way of submitting HTML forms from local to a particular remote server. This is used by many advertisers, spammers or even hackers to submit bad data to other websites in order to get what they want. They can write some automation scripts to help them do spamming. How can people do remote form submission and how to prevent this kind of attacks? Since a website can be accessed by almost every one, so one can save a local copy of a HTML form of a website through File->S...

   PHP,Security,Remote form submission     2013-07-14 01:04:49

  Turn browser into notepad with one line of code

This is the code shared by Jose on codewall. When you type data:text/html,   into the address bar of the browser and press enter, the browser will turn into a notepad which you can edit. Why it works? This uses Data URI’s format and it tells the browser to render HTML. But contenteditable is a property of HTML5, so this can only work in the web browser which supports this property. Here are some interesting contents. Some people make some changes to the code encouraged by the ide...

   HTML5, Browser editor     2013-01-30 04:20:54

  How to Understand and Use nil in Golang Correctly?

In Golang, nil is a predefined identifier that carries different meanings in various contexts, but typically represents "none", "empty" or "zero value". It can be assigned to variables of pointer, slice, map, channel, function, and interface types. Understanding the significance of nil is crucial for writing robust Go programs, as mishandling nil can lead to unexpected issues. nil in Pointers In Go, pointers are a fundamental type that stores the memory address of a variable. When a pointer is d...

   FUNCTION,SLICE,MAP,CHANNEL,GOLANG,NIL     2024-01-05 05:19:40

  Understand unsafe in GoLang

Before going to understand unsafe package in GoLang, the first thing needs to talk about is the pointer in GoLang. If you have a background of C language, you must know what pointer means and its usage. With pointer, you are free to operate any data at memory level which means you have great power, but this means that you have great responsibility as well. That's why it might be considered unsafe in lots of cases. Take a look at a simple example of doubling an integer. package main import "fmt"...

   GOLANG,UNSAFE,ZERO-COPY     2020-03-14 23:18:00

  XML Abuse

It’s everywhere. XML Abuse. From Domain Specific Languages to Data Serialization, XML is the most commonly abused data format I’ve ever encountered. XML is perfectly fine for (because it was designed for this): First of all: XML was designed to be written by humans and read by humans. Nearly all generated XML I’ve seen sucks badly. I think this is because XML cannot efficiently represent common data structures found in programming languages.XML is good...

   XML,Abuse,Alternative,Serialization,Data storage     2011-12-14 07:12:10

  php://input in PHP

When using xml-rpc, server side will get the data from client with php://input method instead of $_POST. Hence today we will discuss php://input. PHP official manual has below explanation to php://input: “php://input allows you to read raw POST data. It is a less memory intensive alternative to $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and does not need any special php.ini directives. php://input is not available with enctype=”multipart/form-data”. Here we und...

   php://input, IO, input     2013-02-25 20:43:00

  Cool things you can do with iPhone

Nowadays smart phones have plenty of cool features you can get to know without reading the manuals. But do you know there are some useful but less well known features which can ease our life? In this post, we will share with you some cool features on iPhone. If you have an iPhone with, go and get a try. 1. Use Google Map as free GPS While traveling abroad, you can use Google Maps as a free GPS without an international data plan by making use of it's hidden offline maps feature.You can use this f...

   iPhone,Feature     2013-10-05 07:28:07